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  • Closed toed shoes must be worn at all times with laces tied.

  • Long hair must be tied back and all jewelry removed that may catch or get caught on tools (ie spinning wheel). 

  • Please do not bring or wear valuable jewelry or clothing to class as there is a chance it could get damaged or lost. (Clay dust is also not good for phones or computers)

  • Potential hazards will be identified at the beginning of the first class and it is your responsibility to respect these parameters to maintain a careful and safe environment.

  • Respect physical distancing when in studio space. 

  • Hand Sani is available by the sink.

  • Please stay home if you feel sick and text me to cancel your attendance. A make up class will be provided to you for one missed class.



  • To sanitize and protect equipment, please use the sponges provided to wipe down surfaces and tools

  • Wipe down and dry all wheels, stools, and wedging tables such that they are free of clay.

  • Stools and splash pans must be placed on or next to the wheel in preparation for the next student.

  • Used tools must be cleaned of clay and rinsed in a Sani Solution bucket and returned to designated areas.

  • Wipe down all affixed studio equipment (slab roller, extruders) after use. 

  • Pour slop water into a designated bucket and rinse container. Large chunks of clay should be put on Recycled clay table.

  • Cover your work to keep damp with available plastic sheeting. It is your responsibility to ensure your does not dry out between classes. 




  • An apron 

  • Old towel for clean up and wiping of hands (please wash them weekly)

  • Hair ties



  • A small bucket or large yogurt container for a slop bucket - please label with your name and keep on your shelf.

  • Gloves  or masks 



Please Fill out the form OR Print & sign the waiver and bring to the first class in order to fully participate in the Pottery classes provided by Laurel Jean Studios


A. LIABILITY: I acknowledge and fully understand that I &/or my child will be engaging in physical activities that may involve some risk of injury. I acknowledge and have been advised that it is my responsibility to consult with my physician with respect to any past or present injury, illness, health problem or any other condition or medication that may affect my participation. I assume the foregoing risks and accept full personal responsibility for any personal injuries sustained by myself which might incur as a result of participating in this program and discharge and hold harmless the owner, members, employees and agents from any claim, cause of action or liability for damages arising from any personal injury to me or other persons or property caused by my participation in the Pottery Studio Workshop with Laurel Jean Studios.


B. CONDUCT: Realizing that the orderly operation of Laurel Jean Studios Pottery Workshop program is of the utmost importance, I agree to comply with all policies and procedures to ensure safety and success for myself and other participants.


C. PERSONAL BELONGINGS: In addition, I understand Laurel Jean Studios  is not responsible and is held harmless for damage or loss of money, jewelry, equipment, clothing or other personal articles brought into the studio. 


D. PHOTO RELEASE: I AGREE to give Laurel Jean Studios permission to use photographs, videos or audio recordings of myself or my child for any Pottery Workshop promotional materials.


Waiver & Photo Consent & Release Form

Thanks for submitting!

©2013 by Laurel Jean Vlieg​

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